Our whole world!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


I swore I would never create one of these blogs, but with everything that Aaron and I have going on right now, I figured that this would be something that would be great to use to keep everyone updated.

Aaron and I are currently in the middle of the (IVF) In vitro process. Although it is a wild and crazy ride, we are super excited and hopeful that our dreams of becoming parents is about to come true. So far Dr. Dunn and the nurses say I am responding well to the medicine and Aaron's levels are looking good. They should do the egg retrieval at the end of this week, possibly Saturday or Sunday. We then have to wait 3-5 days and then they will go back in and place the fertilized eggs. We will know if the IVF worked in 2 weeks. Fingers crossed!

I will post more info as time goes on...