Our whole world!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Egg Retrieval

We did the egg retrieval yesterday morning and they took 24 eggs. Dr. Dunn called this morning and said that 20 of the eggs were good and that 15 of them fertilized! As of right now, the plan is to go back on Thursday (the BIG day) and do the embryo transfer. Again, we won't know anything for 2 weeks, after they do a blood test. I am a little sore still from the procedure yesterday, but doing good.
I was feeling good enough last night to go spend a few hours at Micha and Brent's engagement party. I looked like a lump on a log just sitting there, but there was no way we could miss the celebration. So far all is well, and we are continuing to cross our fingers and hope for the best.
I will keep updating on here... calling and texting takes forever. : ) The prayers are working!
Thank you again for all the well wishes and prayers. We have some fabulous family and friends.