Our whole world!

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Sandy Hook Elementary

Yesterday was such a sad day for our country. I am deeply saddened and heartbroken for the families that lost a child. We never know how quick life can change and I am reminded again to be thankful for things in my life. Especially my two baby girls. I couldn't imagine losing them...
One thing that scares me the most is to think that these poor children at Sandy Hook were in kindergarten... It could be at any time something that I have to deal with as a teacher or as a future principal. I honestly can't imagine having to jump into action, but for my 23 babies (soon to be hundreds) that I am responsible for 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, I would give my life for. I can't believe our society has to actually prepare for these types of events... It's disgusting and time for a change! Our 5 year old babies should be excited to come to school to learn and we teachers should only have to worry about teaching these children and having fun doing so. We should not have to be in fear to go to work and school!
Girls... I will always protect you and do my best to keep you sheltered from harm! I love you so much!