Happy New Year!
Next big event, the girls 1st birthday!
Hanging in our Christmas pjs from Liz...
We are so ready for Mommy and Daddy's party!
"Why do we always take so many pictures mom?" (Austyn)
We look silly!
Having fun!
I'm cute... and I know it!
Here comes Addy bear!
Finally getting the crawling down!
Just playing one morning...
What! Who is Santa?
Sleep tight Austyn Gail... Santa is coming to town!
and Addisyn Claire...
Christmas morning! Early morning wake up for mommy and daddy... 6:15 (Urgh!)
Santa got us a wagon!!!
This thing is pretty cool.
Darla had to get in on the action.
Umm... too many gifts this year!
The gift pile just kept going and going....
Sisterly love!
Addy is still trying to figure everything out...
Ready to roll!
Photo collage...
Time to open presents!
"I'll just stand here mom and you can show me what we got."
"Oooo I like these."
just chillin...
So I guess Addy is still hte inquisitive one...
Addisyn-"Look we got more clothes sissy..."
Austyn- "of course... they match..."
another collage! (not the best pics)

Day after with our new toys!
We love our book Auntie Chan and Uncle J!
Breakfast time!
Just layin here waiting!
Our new normal... Toys everywhere and Barney on TV.
Sister time!
I'm just a girl lovin on my pup!
Yeah... were cute!
Back to the dr... This time with our new Doc!
You would never guess I have a 101 fever in this picture!
Showing our love for uncle Josh!
So sweet!