It truly amazes me that the girls are 9 months old already! I cannot believe how fast these past few months have gone by and I love every minute. Well not every minute... we have had some fussy times lately with being sick. Let me tell you... that has been a nightmare! But we are finally getting over everything anfd getting ready for our first Christmas. We are so excited for the Holiday season and we are looking forward to spending time with family. Matter of fact, Aunt Katie is coming into town tonight! Then we are having Christmas Day at our house with my mom's side of the family. Nance Christmas and my graduation this weekend, and many more fun events to come. BUSY! BUSY! BUSY! So more about the girls right now at 9 months....
At 9 months we are...
-Addisyn is 17.5 lbs and 27.50 inches long (She is in the 46%ile in height, 17%ile in weight, and 17.9%ile in her head width)
-Austyn is 18.10 lbs and 27.25 inches long (She is in the 37%ile in height, 45%ile in weight, and 17.5%ile in her head width)
-Austyn is 18.10 lbs and 27.25 inches long (She is in the 37%ile in height, 45%ile in weight, and 17.5%ile in her head width)
-in size 9 months clothes but still fitting into some 6 month items
-in size 3 diapers
-eating 3 meals a day and down to a morning and night bottle (with an occasional day bottle here and there)
-Austyn is crawling EVERYWHERE! She is out of control... dog bowl, pulling down trees, getting into everything!
-Addisyn is trying to crawl and wants to follow her sister but gets frustrated cause she can't, but she scoots and army crawls a bit (we will get there soon)
-Austyn has recently found her love of music and dancing (so cute and fun)
-saying da da and a few other babble words
-they both have 2 teeth! (front bottom 2)
-love to giggle and play
-love walks and swings
-eating Gerber 3rd foods (forgot to put that up above)
-hate long car rides (learned that from the Fredricksburg trip)
-sleep through the night still (usually from 8:30 pm-6:30am)
-the naps have fallen off track but we are trying to average 2 hours an afternoon (on a good day)
-love to go fast in their walkers (Austyn is aka Scooter)
-love their puppies (they think they're so funny and they love to sneak them food)
If I can think of more to add I will update! Enjoy the pictures!
Austyn waiting on Santa... she looks so thrilled!
Addisyn is excited to see Santa!
Waiting in line...
Ta Da! No tears!

Our first photo with Santa... many more to come.
We tried so hard for some good pictures this month... well this is how it went...
Austyn could care less...
They were too distracted...
Addy tried real hard at some points...
This was one of the best with both!
Ay yi yi!
What are you doing with all of these pictures woman?
I'm busy with these gifts...
OK, I can do a few cute ones for you!
Addy being sweet... Austyn being crazy!
My little ham!
Showing their true personalities... Austyn being rough with Sissy and Addy just sitting there being sweet.
What you talkin about mom!
Sweet girl!
There's my little princess!
Addisyn really... what is with this underbite smile?
Austyn being... well.... herself...
Ms. Lourdes was trying to help!
The underbite again...
Having fun!
My girls! 9 months already! TIME FLIES!
Here is a sneak peek from some of our 9 month photo shoot with the AMAZING Aimee Fuller!
I love this one!
Santa's little helpers!
Austyn Gail is 9 months!
Rockin the boots with the fur!
Austyn looks hilarious!
Typical! Austyn pushing the limits and Addisyn sitting there being patient...
Happy 9 months beautiful girls!
My adorable Addisyn Claire!
I love lazy Sunday's and cuddling with these two angels!
Happy Holidays!