We are such crazy little girls and really are on the go and non-stop! Austyn is walking! Well almost running now. Addy is crawling like a mad woman and will stand for a few seconds on her own every so often. She walks holding on to stuff. The girls say Dada, Hi, Bye, Dog, and recently Austyn blurted out Mama! Which of course made my day!
At 1 years old we are...
-wearing size 12 months clothes! (We caught up!)
-wearing size 3 diapers
-eating table foods and drinking big girl juice
-get 2-3 bottles a day (morning and nighttime bottles, with an occasional day time bottle to chill out)
-Austyn is 28 inches long (15%ile), 19 lbs. 14 oz (54%ile), and her head measures 18.25 inches (87%ile)
-Addisyn is 29.5 inches long (62%ile), 18 lbs. 14.5 oz (36%ile), and her head measures 18.25 inches (86%ile).
-We love to play!
-We are into EVERYTHING and breaking A LOT!
-We love going on walks and watching daddy fish at the lake. We even help some! We got our own poles the other week!
-Love snacking and trying new foods!
Pictures from our birthday day! Uncle Josh came in town to celebrate!
Birthday morning!
I am 1 now!
I'm a big girl!

Me too!
Addy learned to throw a tantrum!
Oh just going to eat for our birthday!
We like our new seats and watching TV!
Austyn got her own birthday shot! (of water that is!)