You are so much fun these days and I just can't get enough of y'all. I want to spend every minute with you girls. From Austyn waving hi and bye to everyone and trying to clap and being a dare devil daily to Addy showing her frustration with things by grunting and screaming (sounds bad but it's hilarious) and running in her walker, I just sit back and watch and laugh all the time. Oh and how could I forget Addisyn letting us know she isn't happy with the food anymore and spitting it at us. (Again not funny at all and she gets in trouble, but I end up laughing most of the time.) You have recently started having tiffs over toys, and you always want what the other one has. I don't get it cause there is 2 of almost everything. I just never quite imagined motherhood being this awesome and amazing. It is definitely trying and hard some times but I absolutely adore you two perfect amazing and adorable little girls!
Everyone that sees you or meets you immediately falls in love! It is a bit annoying though sometimes in public and we are still a freak show when we go places... People like to try and touch you and well we all know how mommy feels about that, but just look at you two, such big girls and growing so fast. I hope you always know just how much I love and adore you!!!!
At 10 months we are...
-in size 9 months clothing (sometimes we can still maneuver a 6 month outfit and occasionally we go for the 12...)
-in size 3 diapers
-I have no clue how much you weigh right now... Sorry
-eating 3 meals a day with a snack here and there between. We eat yogurt and Cheerios for breakfast with water or juice, a fruit, veggie, and yogurt with juice or water at lunch, and about the same at dinner as lunch. We love snacking on our cheeto puffs, Cheerios, and saltine crackers. We recently tried French fries at a restaurant! That will need a bit more practice.
-As far as bottles, we take a little one when we wake up, another little one mid morning which helps us catch a small siesta, maybe one mid afternoon but most often not anymore and then of course the delicious night time bottle. Mommy is trying to break us of bottles in the morning, and hopefully only take one at night soon.
-We love to play! We love our musical toys and all the things that we can shake, bang, and make as loud as a noise as possible! Austyn loves her activity music table and loves to dance to the music... Her favorite is la cuca racha (spelling?) and she constantly has to sway and bounce. Addy likes her piano toy that she got at Christmas from her cousins.
-Austyn has recently learned to wave hi and bye and is trying to clap. Addy is slowly picking up on waving.
-Both girls are crawling... EVERYWHERE! Austyn found the stairs and of course so did Addy soon after. Both are pulling up, Austyn is faster though and she is also trying to stand on her own and walk when holding on to something.
-We still love our walks and we really like when the dogs go with us. We just laugh and laugh at them.
-We stay with CC still Monday through Thursday and Friday is still our special daddy day.
-We say small babble words, but we got dada down... We can occasionally spit out a mama but most of the talking consists of jibber jabber!
-We love to laugh! We think the dogs are funny, love when mommy and daddy tickle us, and we even like to laugh at each other. We do some silly things that are our own secret communication. Mommy is still trying to figure out what we are cracking up at half the time.
-We don't like to wear shoes... Mommy is sad cause she bought us some cute boots for winter, but we say nope we like socks best!
-We sleep through the night! Yay! Usually go down about 8-830 and wake up around 7 or so. But we don't like naps during the day anymore, and unless we are in the car mid day driving, we only take cat naps in the morning.
-We each have our 2 front bottom teeth and Austyn is cutting 3 teeth up top! Ouch!
If mommy can think of more, she will have to come back and add. Hope you enjoy some of the girls photos from our 10 month picture shoot today and from the past few weeks.
Love to all!
Austyn Gail is 10 months old!
Addisyn Claire is 10 months old!
Sassy pose
Umm yes I am cute!
Showing my cuteness!
"Thank goodness she took that big thing off my head!"
"I like this tutu..."
Happy 10 months Addisyn!
"Oh geez here we go with this picture thing again..."
"Aww shucks... let's just get it over with!"
"We're waiting patiently mom."
"Ok, this is getting old!"
Addy- "What are they doing?"
Austyn- "Not sure sis... looking like crazies though!"
"Oh... the bows... Why does she always have us wear these things?"
so cute!
"5 more mom?"
Too adorable and perfect!
Not too excited for pictures...
"Ok... I'll put on my charm for a minute."
"Are we done yet?"
Happy 10 months Austyn!
Hanging out at home!
This was the morning I decided to sleep until 8:15! I feel so refreshed!
So happy after waking up from a nap!

Sleepy head!
Mommy and Addy watching TV
Bathroom play time!
Good morning angels!
Play time! Let's rock!
We like to work and play together!
Let us show you how we make music!
Daddy said I look like a boy in this picture... WHAT!
Sweet Addy bear!
Big girl bath time! We love taking our baths together now!
We splash each other and laugh and laugh!
Austyn being a dare devil. Standing on the back of Addy's walker holding on while Addy runs... Oh man!
Good morning...
I have to see what y'all are doing in here!
Our Target shopping trip... This thing was as big as Mommy's suburban! (We hit a lot of stuff!)
Addy being a ham!
Team Work! Sis, you walk and I will push!