Time seems to be flying by these days. I cannot believe it is about to be Christmas time already. For turkey day we went to my mom and dad's and ate dinner with them and Josh. Afterwards we went to Pops and Lolli's house to visit. Both of the girls have been sick all week with RSV, so that hasn't been too much fun, but I have absolutely loved being off all week with them. It was definitely time for a break at work. Below are some pictures from this week and Thanksgiving at my parents.

Addy playing in the morning
sick little girl but still so loving
Happy baby
Morning girls!
My sweet Addy bear

Playing hard
still sick but all smiles
Dinner time!
All ready for her first Thanksgiving!
So pretty!
My perfect little family!
Uncle Josh and his girls!
I am so happy Josh decided to come home!
My fabulous parents!
Daddy and his girls!