We took the girls to the pumpkin patch yesterday. They were so stinking cute in their polka dot pumpkin dresses. They did great and loved the colors and were trying to figure out what the pumpkin was. Below are some pictures of the girls. :)


Addisyn going after Austyn

Aaron had to pick an ugly wart looking pumpkin to put in front of the girls...

"What is this thing?"

Austyn going for grass and Addy looking at ugly pumpkin.


This is their thoughtful look...

Love these 2!

Austyn giving her super model pose.

"ummm... what am I sitting on?"

Pretty girl


Austyn going for Addisyn's hair...

There's my smile!

So serious...

There's my girl! (notice Austyn trying to eat the pumpkin in background!)

"Are we done?"

Addy looking silly... Austyn is over the pictures, actually they both are over pictures by now!