Addisyn and Austyn are 2 months old today! I can't believe how fast time is flying by. They go tomorrow for their 2 month check up, so I will post weights in a few days. Right now the girls are...
On the same schedule (eating, sleeping, and crying...LOL)
Eating 4 oz. every 4 hours (sometimes we eat a little less, but this is our average)
Sleeping from 10pm to almost 4am each night! YAY! (they go back to sleep after this feeding... Thank goodness)
Lifting their heads A LOT and turning heads and looking around. (Austyn can pretty much hold her head up on own... Addisyn is getting there)
Austyn likes pacifiers, Addisyn does not so much.
Taking some naps in their bedroom cribs (together)
Very alert of what is going on around them.
Starting to smile back at mommy, daddy, and grandma. :)
Still love to be by each other in their boppy.
Taking several naps a day.
Letting mommy and daddy eat at restaurants and sleeping the entire time or not crying.
Burping like champs (well not all the time for Addisyn, but she's getting there)
Switched to Size 1 diapers today!
Wearing 0-3 mos clothing because newborn outfits were getting a little snug.
Took their first big girl baths on Sunday in their big girl tub. (picture below)
Doing great for CC while mommy and daddy go to work each day!

Looking pretty with their big bows!
On the same schedule (eating, sleeping, and crying...LOL)
Eating 4 oz. every 4 hours (sometimes we eat a little less, but this is our average)
Sleeping from 10pm to almost 4am each night! YAY! (they go back to sleep after this feeding... Thank goodness)
Lifting their heads A LOT and turning heads and looking around. (Austyn can pretty much hold her head up on own... Addisyn is getting there)
Austyn likes pacifiers, Addisyn does not so much.
Taking some naps in their bedroom cribs (together)
Very alert of what is going on around them.
Starting to smile back at mommy, daddy, and grandma. :)
Still love to be by each other in their boppy.
Taking several naps a day.
Letting mommy and daddy eat at restaurants and sleeping the entire time or not crying.
Burping like champs (well not all the time for Addisyn, but she's getting there)
Switched to Size 1 diapers today!
Wearing 0-3 mos clothing because newborn outfits were getting a little snug.
Took their first big girl baths on Sunday in their big girl tub. (picture below)
Doing great for CC while mommy and daddy go to work each day!

Looking pretty with their big bows!

Addisyn's first time in her big girl tub! She loved it!

Autyn's first time in her big girl tub! She loved it too!

Best picture together... I wish they were looking up at camera, but they're looking at mommy trying to entertain! I LOVE THESE 2!