Baby A was sleeping at 10 week appointment, so here he/she is at 9 weeks. This is my chill baby I think....
Everything is going well with the babies. We had a small scare at week 8 with bleeding, but all is well with the babies. I am now 11 weeks, but Sunday will make 12 weeks!!! Although the nauseousness has died down and comes very little, I still have my moments. I am hoping this goes away soon. Monday night, my back starting hurting and last night the hips and the wonderful ligament pain is being felt more frequently. I asked Liz this morning why she didn't warn me about all these awkward feelings. She informed me the best is yet to come, which I figured as I get bigger I will feel a lot more interesting things. I still have not told my students and parents that I am pregnant, but I think some parents have already heard rumors and are starting to figure it all out. I go for the Nuchal test next Thursday to check chromosomes and what not. Fingers are crossed that they are both perfectly healthy.
I still can not believe how our dream of becoming parents is finally coming true. The pain, nauseousness, and pot belly that I have now are so worth it. I may be a little whiny, but I thank God every day for blessing us with not one, but two little ones. I can't wait until they are here. I want to meet them!
We will find out their sex on November 9! I think that it is 2 boys for some reason, but Aaron is still holding out that he will get a little girl. I think if we have a girl, we are in BIG trouble. The clothes, bows, and shoes.... oh man. We will see soon though!
I will try to be better about updating, but with work and school in full swing it makes finding time to sit down a little tough.
Apparently being pregnant is the new trend. At work there are 7 of us that are pregnant, which is crazy. We are all due in February, March, and April. It's a good thing we all don't teach the same grade level! Then out of our close friends, Emily is due February 26, Amy is due March 4, we are due April 8 (even though Drs say they will come probably in March), and Lindsay is due the beginning of May. I am seeing a lot of weekends full of baby showers in my future. ; ) So AMAZING!
Love to all!
Aaron and Erin

Our whole world!
Thursday, September 22, 2011
They're getting big!!!
Baby B at 10 week appointment.