Our whole world!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas 2011

Our only mommy/daddy photo we have with me Prego!

One more...

2 of the most important men in my life... I should have had my dad in here...

My baby brother. So hard to believe he's 18 and in college!

And again... This is the last picture we may have together before the girls come. He won't be back next semester until the girls are here. :(

We took a picture like this 7 years ago and my mom still has it up in the living room, so we decided to take another one. Maggie is about to be 8 on New Years Eve.

We hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas with their friends and family. It is so hard to believe that next Christmas Aaron and I will have 2 8 or 9 month olds tagging along with us. : )

Amazing how time flies!

Love to all!

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Wednesday, December 21, 2011

A little more...

I always forget to add something...

So we got Darla spayed, and this is her "What did you guys do to me" look she gave us all night. So sad...

The other week I met some of the girls at the wine bar to hang out and catch up. Aaron tagged a long as well and we made him be the camera man. He should've known better. It's so hard to believe that were out of high school for 10 years and we are still a close group of friends.

I am truly blessed!

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My little man, Graham Michael (aka our nephew/ my best friend Liz's son) went to see Santa for the first time. He wasn't so happy meeting him.

Another picture of room. Still adding a bit at a time.

Big girl bows that I made... May be a while before they can wear these. I have found my new hobby!

This is going on their bedding. I can't wait until it's all put together.

Burp cloths that my mom sewed ribbon on and then we got monogrammed at my mom's friends. I LOVE them!

December seems to be flying by. We are slowly putting bits and pieces of the room together and trying to not spend a fortune. We went to the mall and Hobby Lobby the other day and realized that we are already buying these two girls so much and they haven't even gotten here yet. We are in so much trouble...

Hopefully we will see everyone soon! With Christmas and my showers coming up, I know it's going to be busy!

Love to all!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

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Sunday, December 4, 2011

My Christmas babies...

I forgot to add my 2 Christmas babies! They went to the Spa yesterday and got teeth and ears cleaned and also got some nice baths. The Spa place gave them these delightful Christmas necklaace things. (I personally think they are gaudy, but I had to take a picture with Decker and Darla wearing them because I was dieing laughing.)

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Getting their room ready!

Daddy painting!

Grandma CC painting!

Austyn and Addisyn's first bow holder. I have a feeling I will need to add more ribbon or buy another holder.


Big brother Decker checking out the room.

Not finished, but it's slowly coming along. Need their names on walls, mirrors, chandelier, crown molding, and decor still!

Just wanted to share a few pictures since we finally got to paint the girls room! There is a lot more that needs to be done in here, but at least there is something starting to form. I go to the doctor Wednesday, so hopefully everything will check out and be ok. I am getting bigger by the day it seems and slowly starting to get uncomfortable. (Not good since I have a long way to go.) I have been feeling them move a lot lately and Aaron finally got to feel them move last week. So did my friend Ashley when we went to visit her and her family at their ranch that was near ours. The girls were moving like crazy each time I got into the blinds. Hmm.... maybe they will like to hunt like Mommy and Daddy! Liz and I are about to head to Babies R Us and finalize the registry, and there is only 1o days until the Christmas break for work. :) Time is flying by and I can't belive that the girls will be here so soon. We found out that our good friends Ed and Marissa are having a girl as well! She is 7 weeks behind me, so I see some future best friends in the making. We can't wait to have play time with Tinley Grace! If we don't get to see or talk to everyone before Christmas, we hope that you have a wonderful holiday with your family and remember to give thanks for the everyday miracles and for what you have. I know this year Aaron and I, along with our families are truly thankful for the 2 babies about to enter into the world, Austyn Gail and Addisyn Claire.

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Wednesday, November 9, 2011


We found out today that the twins are both girls. My mommy intuition was totally wrong! Aaron is on cloud 9 and I am pretty sure the entire building heard him scream with joy when the lady said it was both girls. I told her to check it again, and it is for sure girls. Oh man, I need to start saving now. Aaron was even walking up to random people at the Drs. office telling them. HA!

Here are some pictures of the furniture getting put together and then the last 2 are the 3D pictures of the girls faces.

Mom using a power tool for the first time.

Aaron and Grandma putting the dresser together. Mommy is observing and helping some :)

All done!

Bed #1

Their dresser, which may be too small now for 2 girls.

Bed #2 (same thing as 1)

Meet Addisyn Claire... (3D face shot)

Meet Austyn Gail (hands up by her face again)

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Sunday, October 30, 2011

Halloween weekend!

My bubba came home this weekend! I was so excited to see him; it's been since the beginning of Spetember since I saw him. Way to long. I have had lots of requests from my aunts to see a belly picture, so this is as good as it's going to get. I refuse to do a solo shot.

We find out in 10 days (November 9) what are little ones will be. Will my mommy intuition be right or wrong? I still think it is 2 boys, but who knows. We are super excited and anxiousx to know what they are and give these 2 a name and a bedroom.

Love to all!

Aaron and Erin

Sunday, October 16, 2011

We're 15 weeks!

All of these pictures of the babies were taken at my Nuchal screen test appt. when the babies were only 12 weeks. Everything came back fine and the twins don't have down's. We will find out more health information on them at our 19 week appt.

Baby B sucking his thumb.

Baby A smiling for the camera.

The TWINS!!!

Baby B finally staying still to get a good picture

Baby B is going to be our wild one!

And who could forget the other babies in the house. They have no clue what is about to happen.
This is there big brother and big sister picture for the babies! :)

It's been a while since I updated anything on here. School and work has been busy and I have not gotten a chance to sit down and update until now. Also, Amy motivated me to get on top of things when she updated hers. Thank goodness I have her to help remind me to do things.
We are super excited for Amy and Ryan who found out this past week that they are having a boy! Weston Michael will be adding to our crew of blue with our group of friends. The Nance twins are going to have lots of playmates, especially Weston who is only going to be a few weeks older than them.
I still have a gut feeling that our two are boys as well, but we will find out for sure on November 9!
Aaron and I would like the ultra sound to show it is one boy and one girl, but I just don't think that will be the case. Apparently my circle of best friends can only create boys. Ha!
Everything is going great with all of us from the grandparents down to the dogs. We are all very anxious to know the sex of the babies and ready to shop. I have been looking at different bedding ideas, and can't seem to decide what I want for a room. I am hoping when we hear what they are, I will have a better idea of what to do.
I will try my best to update the blog more, but I will be honest, it may not be until Thanksgiving break. But I will try my best to put something up November 9.
Josh will be home to visit in 2 weekends and I can't wait. It's crazy how much I miss that kid. I sent him a picture the other day, because he was asking me if I was getting big. His response "Holy *!! I've been gone that long" and "I didn't realize you'd be that big already..." Hmm... I guess honesty makes you tougher. Ha, I wonder what he will say at Christmas break???
Lots of love to all!
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Thursday, September 22, 2011

They're getting big!!!

Baby B at 10 week appointment.

Baby B covering his/her eyes and being silly.

Baby A was sleeping at 10 week appointment, so here he/she is at 9 weeks. This is my chill baby I think....

Everything is going well with the babies. We had a small scare at week 8 with bleeding, but all is well with the babies. I am now 11 weeks, but Sunday will make 12 weeks!!! Although the nauseousness has died down and comes very little, I still have my moments. I am hoping this goes away soon. Monday night, my back starting hurting and last night the hips and the wonderful ligament pain is being felt more frequently. I asked Liz this morning why she didn't warn me about all these awkward feelings. She informed me the best is yet to come, which I figured as I get bigger I will feel a lot more interesting things. I still have not told my students and parents that I am pregnant, but I think some parents have already heard rumors and are starting to figure it all out. I go for the Nuchal test next Thursday to check chromosomes and what not. Fingers are crossed that they are both perfectly healthy.
I still can not believe how our dream of becoming parents is finally coming true. The pain, nauseousness, and pot belly that I have now are so worth it. I may be a little whiny, but I thank God every day for blessing us with not one, but two little ones. I can't wait until they are here. I want to meet them!
We will find out their sex on November 9! I think that it is 2 boys for some reason, but Aaron is still holding out that he will get a little girl. I think if we have a girl, we are in BIG trouble. The clothes, bows, and shoes.... oh man. We will see soon though!
I will try to be better about updating, but with work and school in full swing it makes finding time to sit down a little tough.

Apparently being pregnant is the new trend. At work there are 7 of us that are pregnant, which is crazy. We are all due in February, March, and April. It's a good thing we all don't teach the same grade level! Then out of our close friends, Emily is due February 26, Amy is due March 4, we are due April 8 (even though Drs say they will come probably in March), and Lindsay is due the beginning of May. I am seeing a lot of weekends full of baby showers in my future. ; ) So AMAZING!

Love to all!
Aaron and Erin

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Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Josh is in college!
This past weekend, my parents, Aaron, and myself moved Josh into his dorm (mini apartment) at University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa. My parents, Josh, and Aaron left Thursday morning and I flew up Friday after Meet the Teacher at school. Although it was a little busy and hectic, it was still a great weekend. Of course, I boo hooed when I said good-bye to my baby brother, then of course mom cried. We made it home though with dry eyes and so far Josh says that he is loving it there. He has some nice boys as roommates and 2 of the 3 are from Texas. One even went to Clear Springs HS which is down the street from Aaron and I.
I am SO proud of Josh for taking such a big leap and going so far. I know he is going to do great. I took a few pictures to share with everyone.

Josh's room

So crazy to believe he is in college!

The family

And my favorite picture of all.
I love you bubba!

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