Our whole world!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Easter weekend

We had a lot of fun this weekend! We hung out at home, tore up the back deck, and grilled with family and friends. More pictures to come of the girls hunting for eggs!

Daddy got us new shoes!

I love them!

Comfy Sperry's!

I can wal all day in these shoes!

I can't walk yet but I still like my shoes...

I just keep going... and going... and going!

Daddy and Decker (the boys)

Finally getting rid of this ugly eye sore!

OOO WEE I like my bikini!

"MOM! What did you do to my hair?"

"Sissy where are you?"

I am showing off!

Work it girl!

"When can we go outside?"

My little reader!


Watching daddy and Juan tear up the deck!

Suit on... check!  Hat on... check! Sunscreen... check!

"Let's go to the beach... I'll drive!"

Just being sweet and patient... as always!

Playing in the cabinet... again!

I'm on a mission!

Testing out the water...

Here I go!

What's this toy?

Umm... that's cold!

I'm thinking about going back in!

Addy bear

Demolition complete!

Time to grill!
(I'm eating a wheat thin and loving it!)


There's that good ole bath time again!

We play and play!

Sweet sisters!


Splash time!

Here mommy!


Woo hoo!

Austyn loves baths!

and Addy likes to splash!

All done!