Austyn at her 4 month check up

Addisyn at the doctor!

My princesses!

Addisyn Claire is 4 months.

So stinking cute

Sisterly love!

Love my girls!

Austyn Gail is 4 months old

Such a big girl!


2 baby girls

Addisyn and Austyn

One more of Addy bear

Getting ready to go eat with Grandma and Grandpa and Mommy at Birra Porettis.
At 4 months the girls are very unique! Austyn is my high maintenance, needs attention, loud mouth. Hmm... Wonder who that one takes after! Addisyn is sweet, laid back, and chill. She loves to have someone talk to her. Aaron says Austyn is me and Addisyn is him... HA I think he may have that a little opposite. Who knows!
Right now the girls are...
-eating cereal 1-2 times a day (Austyn is not a big fan of cereal and gives us a challenge each time)
-drinking 4-5 ounces every 3-4 hours
-NOT sleeping through the night yet : ( (they tricked us a few weeks ago... we thought we had finally gotten there) They wake up once a night still... Urgh for mommy and daddy. And to top it off, Addisyn doesn't seem to be a fan of sleeping. She wants to stay up late and get up early.
-Showing their personalities (Austyn= high maintenance, Addisyn= chill)
-Austyn is rolling over like a wild woman and just recently has started to roll over in her sleep and she likes to sleep on her tummy now. Addisyn has rolled over and is liking tummy time a little more but she is not as wild as Austyn.
-Austyn has found her voice and loves to squeal and hear her self scream. It is hilarious! Addisyn and her sometimes try to "talk" to each other, but Austyn is so crazy and loud, Addy just looks at her like she's a nut mostly. : )
-The girls have looked at each other a time or two and smiled at one another (melts mommy's heart).
-Austyn likes to push up on her legs and stand with someone holding her, Addisyn can't stand as long but she is getting there. We are also working on sitting up a little too.
-The girls still like TV and their play mat with the lights.
-They still fit in 3 month clothing but some of it is a little tight.
-In Size 1 diapers still but those seem to be getting snug too.
-Austyn weighed 12.15 at her 4 month check up and Addisyn was 12 even. They are 23 inches long, and still have some big heads (LOL... It's because they're so smart!)
-Still loving their bath time... They wiggle and splash and go crazy!
-We have not yet seen a big laugh but they do a little mini chuckle that's pretty darn cute.
-The girls are mommy girls! :) They always are the calmest and happiest with mommy, but we're trying to break them of this because I will be back at work soon and when Aaron and I go to the Bahamas in a few weeks, they're with CC and Gramps and Pops and Robin (soon to have a cute grandma name lol!)
-That is all Mommy can think of right now!
Hope you enjoyed!