Addisyn and Austyn

So cute!

Mom! We're not ready!

Austyn Gail Nance

Addisyn Claire Nance

Most beautiful girls ever!

I'm cute

Aunt Chan calls this our flower pot picture... My flower moved...
We are getting so big and really showing our personalities. Addisyn is very sweet and laid back, but Austyn is high maintenance.
We eat 4-5 ounces every 2.5-3 hours.
We have been eating some cereal in our bottles, so we can fill up more. We don't like to drink more than 4-5 ounces a sitting.
We are kicking all the time. Austyn is strong and holds her head up on her own and loves to push up off of people. Addisyn is still working on holding her head up and pushing up.
We LOVE taking a bath. We kick and splash water everywhere.
We are still waking up once a night.
We like to talk (coos and ahhs) especially Addy. She may not be strong like Austyn, but boy does she like to hear herself talk.
We like to watch the TV and look at all the colors.
We like to swing in our swing.
We love to go out in public with Mommy and Daddy and their friends. We do better in public than we do at home!
We are wearing size 1 diapers, size 3 months clothes, and just switched to level 2 on our nipples for our bottles. Our diapers and clothes are a little big, but we're catching up to where we need to be.
We get a new outfit from CC or a friend daily... Seriously! We have more clothes than mommy!
We like to watch the fan go round, watch our giraffe toy, and stare at whoever is around.
We smile a lot... especially in the morning time.
Addisyn is still on her montior, but we are hoping to get it off at our 4 month appointment.
We like to go on walks, but it's so hot right now, so we haven't been going much lately.
We are slowly transitioning into sleeping in our cribs. (Mommy is nervous to put us in there because of Addisyn's monitor.)
I'm sure there is so much more about us to tell you, but Mommy can't remember right now. :)
Our best friend Tenley Grace was born May 31st and Gunnar was born on June 6th!
Welcome to the world guys! We are going to have so much fun soon!!!!!!!