Just another update...
We came home from the hospital last Wednesday evening, so I spent only 5 nights in there. Unfortunately, I was feeling awful last Friday and called the doctor and I asked to be taken off medicine (procardia) cause I don't like how it made me feel, and they made me go back to the hospital and be monitored. I am supposed to take the meds every 12 hours, but they showed me what would happen if I didn't take it, and I began having big contractions. I wasn't at 34 weeks yet then, so they told me to either take the medicine and suck it up or go into labor and put girls in NICU. I chose the medicine of course and after several hours of monitoring they let me come home (at 4 am). So I have been sitting here just waiting on nature to take its course since then. They said that when I am in real labor, that labor will break through what the procardia is doing (which is trying to slow down contractions).
Over the past few days though, I just can't help myself and I have had to get up and move around some. After almost a full 6 weeks on bed rest, I am about to lose my mind! I got up and cleaned some bottles yesterday and have done some little things here and there. I know my doctor would yell at me if she saw me, but I just can't take the sitting around doing nothing anymore. It is awful... at least for me who is such a fast paced person.
I of course want the girls to stay out of NICU and I want them to be healthy, but this bed rest (house arrest) is killer! My hormones are out of whack and I am surprised Aaron hasn't divorced me yet. I feel bad or him and his sister who is living with us right now... They have to put up with my constant moods that change from hour to hour. I can't wait to be a normal person again! LOL!
We're still waiting, but hopefully the "nesting" stuff is a sign. Apparently that is what I am doing, since I all of a sudden think that I need to clean bottles and fold clothes.
Today is Leap Year... I have made it through the first 14 hours of the day, and I am praying that these girls don't decide to come in the next 10 hours. I am so ready for them to come, but they absolutely CANNOT come today! I am so scared that they are going to have that awful February 29th birthday... No offense to anyone who has a birthday today, but I can't imagine having a birthday once every 4 years!
Ok, I think I am done rambling... Next post is going to hopefully be the one that we all want to see! :)

Our whole world!
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Short update...
Well these girls have definitely already made things interesting...
I went to the doctor last Wednesday for a check up and they redid my FFN test, which checks to see if there is any action going on down there. It came back positive, so they sent me over to Women's hospital on Thursday evening to get steroid shots. When I arrived I told them I was feeling some pressure and tightening, thinking it was only Braxton Hicks, but come to find out they were real contractions. OOPS! So I got admitted and they did my first steroids, which caused bigger contractions and they started me on Mag Sulfate to stop the contractions. My what was supposed to be an overnight stay has now turned into an almost week long stay. I got off mag sulfate Saturday night, but apparently it had already done a number on my body. Yesterday morning I woke up unable to breathe on my own and my oxygen level was very low. I got put on oxygen to help me breathe and they started pumping me full of lasix because I had apparently started to get fluid in my lungs. I didn't realize how bad of shape I was in until they told me yesterday afternoon that things could have gotten real bad and my dr informed me that I freaked her out. Lovely huh? So I am sitting here in the hospital, while mom and Aaron take turns switching off shifts. The goal is still to get the girls to 34 weeks, which will be this coming Sunday. Yesterday, the Dr told me that she was going to keep me hospitalized until then, but since I am doing better today, I may get to go home Thursday and ride out the rest of pregnancy on strict bed rest at home. But things have changed in such short times here lately, who knows! I will try to update again soon. :)
*I never knew how hard this mommy thing was going to be, and Austyn and Addisyn haven't even gotten here yet! LOL! Please say prayers that I don't have anymore complications so I can go home.
Love to all!
I went to the doctor last Wednesday for a check up and they redid my FFN test, which checks to see if there is any action going on down there. It came back positive, so they sent me over to Women's hospital on Thursday evening to get steroid shots. When I arrived I told them I was feeling some pressure and tightening, thinking it was only Braxton Hicks, but come to find out they were real contractions. OOPS! So I got admitted and they did my first steroids, which caused bigger contractions and they started me on Mag Sulfate to stop the contractions. My what was supposed to be an overnight stay has now turned into an almost week long stay. I got off mag sulfate Saturday night, but apparently it had already done a number on my body. Yesterday morning I woke up unable to breathe on my own and my oxygen level was very low. I got put on oxygen to help me breathe and they started pumping me full of lasix because I had apparently started to get fluid in my lungs. I didn't realize how bad of shape I was in until they told me yesterday afternoon that things could have gotten real bad and my dr informed me that I freaked her out. Lovely huh? So I am sitting here in the hospital, while mom and Aaron take turns switching off shifts. The goal is still to get the girls to 34 weeks, which will be this coming Sunday. Yesterday, the Dr told me that she was going to keep me hospitalized until then, but since I am doing better today, I may get to go home Thursday and ride out the rest of pregnancy on strict bed rest at home. But things have changed in such short times here lately, who knows! I will try to update again soon. :)
*I never knew how hard this mommy thing was going to be, and Austyn and Addisyn haven't even gotten here yet! LOL! Please say prayers that I don't have anymore complications so I can go home.
Love to all!
Monday, February 13, 2012
Family shower
My mom, mother in law, and sister in law threw me a shower this past weekend. My aunts and our family friends all came to celebrate with us. Below are a few pictures from the shower.

My cake! (from the amazing Julie Moncrief)
My cake! (from the amazing Julie Moncrief)
Liz helping me with opening presents... thank goodness! I don't know if I would have made it through presents without her and my mother in law helping me.
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