All of these pictures of the babies were taken at my Nuchal screen test appt. when the babies were only 12 weeks. Everything came back fine and the twins don't have down's. We will find out more health information on them at our 19 week appt.

Baby B sucking his thumb.

Baby A smiling for the camera.

The TWINS!!!

Baby B finally staying still to get a good picture

Baby B is going to be our wild one!

And who could forget the other babies in the house. They have no clue what is about to happen.
This is there big brother and big sister picture for the babies! :)
It's been a while since I updated anything on here. School and work has been busy and I have not gotten a chance to sit down and update until now. Also, Amy motivated me to get on top of things when she updated hers. Thank goodness I have her to help remind me to do things.
We are super excited for Amy and Ryan who found out this past week that they are having a boy! Weston Michael will be adding to our crew of blue with our group of friends. The Nance twins are going to have lots of playmates, especially Weston who is only going to be a few weeks older than them.
I still have a gut feeling that our two are boys as well, but we will find out for sure on November 9!
Aaron and I would like the ultra sound to show it is one boy and one girl, but I just don't think that will be the case. Apparently my circle of best friends can only create boys. Ha!
Everything is going great with all of us from the grandparents down to the dogs. We are all very anxious to know the sex of the babies and ready to shop. I have been looking at different bedding ideas, and can't seem to decide what I want for a room. I am hoping when we hear what they are, I will have a better idea of what to do.
I will try my best to update the blog more, but I will be honest, it may not be until Thanksgiving break. But I will try my best to put something up November 9.
Josh will be home to visit in 2 weekends and I can't wait. It's crazy how much I miss that kid. I sent him a picture the other day, because he was asking me if I was getting big. His response "Holy *!! I've been gone that long" and "I didn't realize you'd be that big already..." Hmm... I guess honesty makes you tougher. Ha, I wonder what he will say at Christmas break???
Lots of love to all!